Version (Backend)


Release Date: January 20th, 2024

New Feature

  • Enhanced ConnectWise Integration
    • Pulling 'Companies' from ConnectWise into 'Accounts' in Work 365.
    • Pulling 'Agreements' from ConnectWise into 'Billing Contracts' in Work 365.


  • Invoicing Updates:
    • Eliminated product dependency for linking invoices, providing more flexibility.
    • Enhanced multilingual support by updating the French translation for 'Billing Cycle' on the invoice line item.
  • Ability to copy product name and provider part number from Product Pricing page
  • Enabled a single AzureAD app registration to support multiple environments.
  • Updated error message related to Microsoft consent failures.

Issue Fixes

  • Resolved configuration setting not saving.
  • Addressed the issue of ConnectWise not syncing invoices in parallel.
  • Corrected Azure usage charge end date discrepancies on Work 365 invoices.
  • Stabilized the Work 365 screen to eliminate flickering during load.
  • Removed address validation address while recalculating the tax on the invoice
  • Subscription Pricing
  • Fixed missing cost prices on the subscription pricing page
  • Addressed issue for Commitment end dates not showing same as subscription
  • Provider Invoice
    • Subscriptions are missing cost prices from provider invoice
  • Last Updated Date not based on User local time on Azure Analytics tab
  • Payments
    Fixed issues with Tap Pay, allowing the creation of payment profiles.
  • Subscription Sync Report:
    Corrected inaccuracies in the Subscription Sync Report related to the updating of subscription cost prices.