My Invoices

This article will help you navigate and understand all the features and options available on My Invoices page.

Access Level Required

In order to access this page, you will need to have one of the following roles:

  • Work 365 Administrator
  • Work365 Finance Manager

Additional Notes

The information here is only visible to users that belong to an authenticated tenant, meaning that you will only be able to see the invoices for the company you are currently logged in to.


This page is designed to give you a detailed overview of all the invoices associated with your client's billing contracts. Here, you can view and manage your open and paid invoices, including their due dates, totals, and payment status. You can also download usage and print invoices for your records. This page is designed to make it easy for you to stay on top of your billing, and to ensure that you are always aware of your current and past invoices.

Invoices Dropdown

This dropdown allows you to filter and view your invoices based on their current status. By selecting "Open Invoices," you will see all the invoices that are currently due or overdue and that haven't been paid yet. On the other hand, selecting "Paid Invoices" will display invoices that have been paid in full.

Invoices Description

This section makes it easy for you to understand and review your billing, ensuring that you are aware of all charges that make up the total amount of the invoice.

  1. Will redirect you to your selected invoice details
  2. Allows your client to pay if you have the Pay Now feature enabled
  3. This link will Download your Usage in a CSV file

Invoice Details

This page is designed to give you a detailed view of a specific invoice. Here, you will be able to view all the important information related to the invoice such as the customer information, invoice ID, due date, billing date, and more. You can also see the invoice description with all the detailed items of this invoice. This page is an essential tool for managing your billing and staying on top of your expenses.