My Payment Profiles

This article will help you navigate and understand all the features and options available on My Payment Profiles page.

Access Level Required

In order to access this page, you will need to have one of the following roles:

  • Work 365 Administrator
  • Work365 Finance Manager

Additional Notes

The information here is only visible to users that belong to an authenticated tenant, meaning that you will only be able to see the payment profiles for the company you are currently logged in to.


This section is designed to give you the ability to see the payment methods associated with your client's account which can include credit cards and debit cards. This feature allows you to easily manage your payment information and ensure that your account is always up to date.

Payment Profiles Dropdown

This dropdown allows you to filter and view your payment profiles based on their current status. By selecting "Active Payment," you will see all of your currently active payment profiles that can be used for billing. On the other hand, selecting "Expired Payment" will display payment profiles that have expired or been canceled. If you select "Pending Payment" it will show the payment profiles that are waiting for confirmation or validation.

Payment Profile Details

Here, you will be able to view all the important information related to the payment profile such as the last 4 digits of the card, expiration date and more.