Go Live Check List

Provides list of implementation topics that are required for Go Live with Work 365

Product Catalog:

  1. Import All the Products you are planning to bill for into your Product Catalog
  2. Setup Price Lists by Segment, Market and Sales Unit/Commit Term either Monthly or Annual

Billing Contracts:

  1. Setup and Confirm Billing Contract Settings:
    • Strategy (Advance or Arrears)
    • Confirm Billing Frequency
    • Confirm Prorate Unit
    • Refund Strategies
  2. Setup Invoice Template
  3. Billing Automation Settings
  4. Price Lists, Currencies associated with the Billing Contract
  5. Billing Contract Start Dates


  1. Review all Active Change Logs associated with a Subscription and archive Change Logs that have already been invoiced.
  2. Subscription Pricing and discounts

Usage: If you are planning to send invoices from Work 365:

  1. Setup your Invoice Templates
  2. Setup your Email templates
  3. Ensure that all the Annual, Monthly and Quarterly Invoicing Jobs are turned on
  4. Review any Exceptions through the Reports section


  1. Generate the first set of invoices and review them
  2. Review any discrepancies like pricing, narration, dates on the invoice. The issues will be resolved by updating the Billing Contract Settings, Subscription Information or the License Change Logs related to the invoicing.
  3. Once the invoice generation seems accurate turn on your Billing Automation Settings.

Detailed list of steps to prepare for Invoicing run