Scheduled License Change Logs

Scheduled License Change Log entity is used to schedule changes to a subscription for an effective Date in the future.

Below are Scheduled License Change Logs fields:

Field NameDisplayNameDesc
work365_slcl_subscriptionSubscriptionThis is the subscription which is linked to the slcl
work365_nameNamehis is the name of the scheduled license change log
work365_slcl_subscriptioneventChange TypeIndicates the type of event taking place on the subscription. These are the options for this field
Update: indicating a subscription update in the future where the subscription already exists and will remain active. This will be the default setting when an slcl is created.
Activate: Indicates an activate event where a subscription which is currently inactive will become reactivated on a future date.
Deactivate: indicates a scheduled deactivation for the subscription on a future date.
work365_slcl_effectivedateEffective Datethis is the scheduled date for which the Work 365 job will run to update the subscription
work365_slcl_provisiononProvision Onindicates when the subscription change will be provisioned
work365_slcl_quantityQuantity Changerefers to the license quantity update which will take place
work365_slcl_includedquantityIncluded Quantityrefers to if any licenses will be included in the license update on the subscription from a billing standpoint
work365_slcl_salesunitSales UnitIf filled in, this is the unit that will be updated on the subscription
work365_slcl_sellingpriceperunitSelling Price per UnitIf filled in, this is the selling price that will be updated on the subscription
transactioncurrencyidCurrencyIf filled in, this is the currency that will be updated on the subscription
work365_slcl_costpriceperunitCost Price Per UnitIf filled in, this is the cost price that will be updated on the subscription
work365_slcl_orderOrderRefers to the sales order from which the subscription was originally provisioned
work365_slcl_orderlineOrder LineRefers to the product line on the sales order from which the subscription was originally provisioned
work365_slcl_ordernumOrder Referencerefers to the Order ID of the subscription
work365_slcl_orderdateOrder Date refers to when the order was requested, or the date on the sales order.
work365_slcl_orderbyOrder Byrefers to who initiated the change
work365_slcl_ordersourceOrder Sourcerefers to where the change was made from any of the below resources


Whenever self service portal user make any updates for future, it results in SLCL in Work 365 system. (This may vary depending on portal settings and QRB settings)