Creating and Managing Non-Recurring Items (NRIs)

Work 365 can manage the billing and invoicing for non-recurring products and sales. These non-recurring entities are designed for one-off sales.


Non-recurring items can be added to both recurring and Item based billing contract types.

Create non-recurring items

Search for the non-recurring item in the product catalog in from the field. For instructions on creating a Non-recurring product in the product catalog, see Product Catalog

  • Name: Name copied from the product name
  • Friendly Name: Name copied from the product name
  • Billing Contract: customer’s non-recurring billing contract or recurring billing contract
  • Product Class: varies depending on the product. Ie. Azure RI would be a Product Resale.
  • Currency: currency
  • Unit: sales unit
  • Is Taxable: is taxable on invoiceQuantity: number of units
  • Unit cost: cost price per unit
  • Unit Selling Price: selling price per unit
  • Revenue: selling price x quantity
  • Gross Margin: the difference between the selling price and cost price
  • NRI also has a Provisioning status that can be managed based on the type of Provider associated with the NRI
  • Effective date: start of term
  • Segment: vertical
  • Purchase type: type of purchase varies. Ie. Reserved Instance for Azure RI
  • Scope: Single or Shared
  • Subscription: search for the customer’s existing Microsoft Azure subscription
  • Provider: Provider provisioning the item
  • Provider Part Number: Product ID from the provider price list
  • Format: Product ID: SkuID
  • Provider Order ID
  • Provider Reference
  • Expiry Date: End of Term (for term-based items)
  • Credit Hold: is the account on credit hold? See Work 365 Account Credit Hold

Billing For Non-Recurring Items

Billing for NRI's can be managed from the configuration setting under Invoicing called ' NRI Billing'.

This setting provides will below options to bill NRI's

  • Bill at Contract Cycle:
    Non-recurring items added to recurring billing contract will be invoiced during the next invoicing cycle of the billing contract, or through a change log invoice if the billing contract frequency is annual or quarterly.
    For example, let's say we have a monthly billing contract with a start date of 1/1/2023. We create an NRI on 17-Jan-2023. This NRI will be billed on the next invoicing cycle of the billing contract, i.e. 2-Feb-2023 (assuming the contract policy is Advanced).
    When Bill at contract cycle is selected or no options are selected, NRIs are billed at contract cycles.
  • Bill Immediately
    This options allow to bill NRIs immediately without having to wait for a billing cycle.
    Work 365 invoicing job runs every day. If this option is selected then functionality will check if there are any existing uninvoiced NRIs and if present it will create an invoice against the billing contract to which they are attached.