isproductoverridden | Select Product | Whether the product exists in the product catalog or is a write-in product specific to the parent invoice |
productdescription | Write-In Product | product description to identify the type of write-in product included in the invoice |
description | Description | Additional information to describe the line items of the product |
work365_invoiceproduct_line2 | Line 2 | line 2 |
work365_invoiceproduct_subscription | Subscription | Subscription |
ispriceoverridden | Pricing | Whether the price per unit is fixed at the value in the specified price list or can be over written by users |
work365_invoiceproduct_istaxable | Is Taxable | Is product taxable |
priceperunit | Price Per Unit | Price Per Unit of the invoice product. The default is the value in the price list specified on the the parent invoice for existing product |
work365_invoiceproduct_costpriceperunit | Cost Price Per Unit | Cost Price Per Unit |
volumediscountamount | Volume Discount | Discount value of the price per unit. Configure volume dicount in the prooct catlog in the setting area |
quantity | Quantity | quantity of the product included in the invoices' total amount |
work365_invoiceproduct_actualquantity | Actual Quantity | Actual quantity of the line item |
work365_invoiceproduct_includedquantity | Included Quantity | Quantity |
baseamount | Amount | Shows the total price of the invoice product, based on the price per unit, volume discount and quantity |
manualdiscountamount | Manual Discount | Manual discount amount for the invoice product to deduct any negotiated or other savings from the product toatal |
work365_invoiceproduct_lineitemdiscountpercent | Discount (%) | Discount (%) |
| Tax | Tax amount for the invoice product |
| Cost Amount | Cost Amount |
| Margin | Margin |
| Margin Percent | Margin Percent |
| Extended Amount | Shows the total amount due for the invoice product based on he sum of the unit price, quantity, discounts and tax. |