Non-Recurring Items (NRIs)
Work 365 can manage the billing and invoicing for non-recurring products and sales. These non-recurring entities are designed for one-off sales.
Field | Display Name | Description |
work365_nonrecurringitem_billablestatus | Billable Status | Indicates whether this Non-Recurring Item should be invoiced. |
work365_nonrecurringitem_billingcontract | Billing Contract | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_creditonhold | Credit Hold | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_customer | Customer | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_desc | Description | This value will show on the invoice line item associated with this Non-Recurring Item. |
work365_nonrecurringitem_discount | Discount (%) | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_effectivedate | Invoice On | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_expirydate | Expiry Date | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_friendlyname | Friendly Name | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_grossmarginpercent | Gross Margin % | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_invoice | Invoice | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_istaxable | Is Taxable | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_name | Name | The name of the custom entity. |
work365_nonrecurringitem_order | Order | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_orderby | Order By | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_orderedon | Ordered Date | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_orderline | Order Line | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_ordernum | Order Reference | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_ordersource | Order Source | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_pricelist | Price List | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_product | Product | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_productclass | Product Class | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_provider | Provider | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_providerorderid | Provider Order ID | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_providerpartnumber | Provider Part Number | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_providerreference | Provider Reference | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_provisioningmessage | Provisioning Message | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_provisionon | Provision On | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_purchasetype | Purchase Type | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_purchasetypeitem | Purchase Type | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_quantity | Quantity | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_revenue | Revenue | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_revenue_base | Revenue(Base) | Value of the Revenue in base currency. |
work365_nonrecurringitem_scope | Scope | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_segment | Segment | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_subscription | Subscription | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_totalcost | Total Cost | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_totalcost_base | Total Cost (Base) | Value of the Total Cost in base currency. |
work365_nonrecurringitem_unit | Unit | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_unitcostprice | Unit Cost Price | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_unitcostprice_base | Unit Cost Price (Base) | Value of the Unit Cost Price in base currency. |
work365_nonrecurringitem_unitsellingprice | Unit Selling Price | |
work365_nonrecurringitem_unitsellingprice_base | Unit Selling Price(Base) | Value of the Unit Selling Price in base currency. |
work365_nonrecurringitemid | Non-Recurring Item | Unique identifier for entity instances |
work365_nonrecurringitem_totalcost | Total Cost | Total cost |
work365_nonrecurringitem_totalrevenue | Total Revenue | Total revenue from one-off sales |
Field | Display Name | Description |
work365_subscription_portalvisibility | Display on Portal | Determines if subscription will be visible on on Portal or not. For Subscription create, value for this field will set based on billability. i.e For Billable subscription value will be 'Visible' and for non billable value will be ' Not Visible'. This field is editable and can be updated based on requirement. i.e Billable subscription can be set as Not Visible or visa versa. |
Updated 10 months ago