Incentive Earnings

Incentive earnings represents the calculation of sales commissions from the incentive plans based on a certain set of parameters from the incentive template like Incentive Basis and Incentive %.

Incentive Earnings Overview

  1. Based on the individual plans, earnings are accrued until the invoice(s) are generated against customer billing contracts.
  2. The default view is Unpaid earnings that are continuously calculated until the payout date arrives.
  3. Change the view to Active Earnings: These earnings have been attached to a payout, which means the earnings were calculated against an invoice and included in a payout record.
  4. The incentive amount calculated will be based on the parameters of the incentive template against the invoice that is generated against the customer’s billing contract.

Incentive Earnings Fields

  1. Earnings Fields
    • Name: subscription name
    • Incentive Plan: link to the incentive plan
    • Amount: Total incentive amount earned from the subscription or non-recurring item
    • Earned On: Date the Amount was earned by the owner
    • Payout interval: frequency of incentives being calculated
    • Earned Via (invoice): the linked invoice the earnings were calculated against
    • After the incentive period is complete, change the status reason to Finalized when the earning amounts have been approved.